Pride and Prejudice (BBC TV Series)
Hello everyone! I am so sorry I didn't post for a few weeks it has been quite busy for me, especially with the dance competition season starting. Anyway I am super excited about this post! I recently did a post on "Pride and Prejudice" the novel, but today I want to post about the BBC series. I absolutely love this show as it is probably one of the best remakes of a book that I have ever seen. The series is 6 hours long, and I think this is why it is so good. It doesn't rush, but it takes its time. Below are 3 reasons why I love this series so much. (FYI I haven't seen any other remakes of Pride and Prejudice so I won't say that this one is better than them. However I am pretty sure that it is. 😂) 1. It is so close to the book! This series is incredibly close to the book! Did I mention how close it is to the book? The script seems to have been taken straight from the book. And I admire this because it shows that the writers just really appreciated the...