Game Recommendations
Hello everyone, How are you? Hopefully you are good. I am doing a game recommendation, on what games are good for kids aged 6-12. I will put them in order from what I like best to what I play occasionally. The 4 games I will list below are PC games: Minecraft Secret builders StarDoll Poptropica Now I will list 7 Mobile games: Minecraft PE Clumsy Ninja StarDoll Downtown Sticker Dolly Toca hair salon ME EDEN world builder Sunnyville salon That is the end of my recommendation on games and I hope you will be able to play some of those games. If you are interested in playing these games, check below as I'm listing those that are free, those you have to pay for and those that are free but with an optional paid membership. Games that you have to pay for: Minecraft, Minecraft PE, EDEN world builder, Sticker dolly Toca hair salon ME. Games that have an optional paid membership: Secret builders, StarDoll, Poptropica StarDoll downtown. Games that are free: C...